Ah, “pop.” There was a time when that word made us cringe more than hearing a bad joke at a networking event. But here we are, MediumFour, embracing ‘POP’ with all the enthusiasm of a cat taking a bath. Why? Because change is growth, and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to grow?
Lets be clear, we still don’t “love” the word but the acronym made sense.” – Michael
Remember the good old days when ‘public relations’ meant a press release and a pat on the back? Well, those days are as gone as the flip phone. We’re now wrapping vehicles (yes, cars), plastering billboards, and unleashing street teams. Why? Because apparently, that’s what makes a brand ‘pop’ nowadays. And guess what? It works (don’t tell our design team we said that).
Experience Overtown
Lauderhill Healthy You – #LAHLMobile
Opportunities used to knock; now they slide into DMs. We dived into the digital deep end – from crafting SEO content that would make a librarian blush to mastering the art of social media seduction. Our motto? If there’s a digital rock, we’ll look under it. And if there’s not, we’ll build one and then look under it.
People – can’t live with them, can’t market without them. We used to think a ‘target audience’ was a group of people at an archery range. Now, we’re cozying up with local influencers and diving deep into community vibes. Why? Because your brand needs to be where the people are, apparently doing people things.
Jacksonville Jazz Festival 2023
We loved our bevels and drop shadows, we really did. But it turns out, brands need a bit more… oomph. So, we embraced storytelling, strategy, and all that jazz. And while we miss the simplicity of the old days, we can’t argue with the results. Turns out, depth is more than a setting on your Photoshop.
So, here we are, making brands ‘P.O.P.’ and admittedly, kind of loving it. Every brand has its story, and we’re here to add the exclamation points, the bold print, the italics. Why? Because change equals growth, and growth is good. Especially when it makes brands pop like a firework on the Fourth of July.