City of Richmond


MediumFour was a strategic communicator and creative guide for the City of Richmond, Virginia. Our primary goal was to create a brand identity that represented the city’s rich history and resonated with its diverse local population. To achieve this, we embarked on a process that was both collaborative and comprehensive.


We started by conducting focus groups to gain insights into the city’s unique character and the perceptions of its residents. This gave us a firm foundation upon which to build the city’s brand identity.


Following the research phase, our team of experienced graphic designers got to work on creating the city’s visual identity. The centerpiece of this was the hand-drawn digital illustration of the Bateau Man. This unique piece of art, which features the first black man on a city seal in the United States, is a powerful representation of the city’s historical legacy and the integral role that African Americans have played in shaping it.


In addition to the logo, our team developed a comprehensive brand guideline document. This served as a roadmap for the city, ensuring that all future communications would adhere to the newly established visual and messaging standards.


While the brand’s visual elements were essential, so too was the strategy behind how they would be used. Our marketing team devised a strategy to ensure the brand’s local and national visibility. By leveraging our expertise in various marketing channels, from traditional print and broadcast media to digital and social platforms, we effectively communicated the city’s new brand identity to a broad audience.


Complementing our brand development and marketing efforts, we also delivered a suite of creative services, including web development, photography, and videography. These components ensured that the city had a robust toolkit to promote its brand consistently across various platforms.


Our holistic approach resulted in a brand identity for the City of Richmond that truly reflected its rich history and diverse community. The impactful presence of the Bateau Man, as a central figure in the city’s visual identity marked a significant milestone in the representation of African American history in municipal branding. This project is a testament to MediumFour’s commitment to delivering meaningful and culturally relevant brand solutions.